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Scenic Photo in Montana

The Martz/Ohs J.O.B.S. Plan

Jobs and Opportunities for a Better State


Priority #1: Job Creation, Business Retention & Development

Priority #2: Telecommunications, Infrastructure & Natural Resources

Priority #3: Tax Reform

Priority #4: Education

The Martz/Ohs Plan for Education

Forming Partnerships, Building Bridges


Priority #1: Increasing Educational Resources and Teacher Development

  • The Martz 3-Rs - Recruiting, Retaining and Rewarding excellence

  • Loan Forgiveness - Administered by the Board of Education to eliminate student loans for Montana-educated certified teachers who will stay in Montana to teach for seven years.

  • Rewrite school funding laws - To give greater flexibility to school districts to pay teachers better.

  • Stipends for national board certification - Increased funding to allow more teachers to receive national board certification.

  • Merit pay plan - Partner with teachers, parents and administrators to implement merit pay plans designed by individual teachers with their administrators -- for excellent teachers.

Priority #2: Excellence in Schools

  • Mentor programs - Self-enhancement programs designed to make help students make better choices and enhance their learning opportunities.

  • Community partnerships - Working with community leaders, businessmen and women, clergy and law enforcement to shape the lives of our children.

  • Local control - Giving school boards more decision-making authority and making resources available to meet standards.

  • Assistance for native Montanans - Helping tribal leaders determine school priorities and craft strategies for long term funding to meet the needs on our reservations.

Priority #3: Safe Learning and Teaching Environments

  • Teachers control classrooms - Giving teachers the ability to remove disruptive students who hinder learning.

  • Violence prevention - Establishing school watch programs and law-enforcement certified safe houses for children in danger.

Priority #4: Character Education

  • Character education curriculum - Helping parents play a greater role in their children's social development by teaching values like respect, honor and citizenship.

  • Expanding curricula - Helping schools make learning more fun and more diverse with foreign language, music, arts and computer instruction more available to students. navigation footer