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Task ForceFinal Report Minutes |
Meeting SummaryTASK FORCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry Archer, Mary Fay, Duane Grimes, Mary Haydal, Joey Jayne, Cathy Kendall, Marko Lucich, Roland Mena, Bill Muhs, Karen Olson-Beenken, Rick Robinson, Peg Shea, Bill Snell. Facilitated by Sandy Mack AGENDA TOPICS8:00 am - 4:30 pm Start-up: Welcome & Opening Prayer Review Agenda & Meeting Summary Approval Announcements Desired Outcomes - Follow-up Strategies - Discussion and Agreement on strategies for "Top Priority" Desired Outcomes Public Comment WELCOME & OPENING PRAYERAfter the meeting was opened by Duane, Pat Stoltz, President of the Miles City Youth Coalition and owner of the Town and Country Club - our VERY GENEROUS and GRACIOUS host for the day - provided some welcoming comments. Nicole VanHoosen, Nicole Haydal and Sarah Anderson, 8th grade students from Miles City, opened the meeting with a moving prayer. MEETING SUMMARYParticipants approved the April 18, 2002 meeting summary. It will be posted on the Task Force Web Site. http://www.discoveringmontana.com:/martz/css/drugcontrol/default.asp ANNOUNCEMENTS1. Marko provided a Bio on Robert M. Stutman who will be a featured speaker on September 11 at the Copper King in Butte for a Conference sponsored by the Youth Justice Council and the Probation and Correction's offices. Information about Mr. Stutman includes… Bob Stutman is "the most famous narc in America"(N. Y. Magazine) and according to Dan Rather is "a true American hero." After 25 years as a DEA Agent rising to the head of the N. Y. Office, Bob wrote his autobiography "Dead on Delivery" a best seller published by Warner Books, and is the drug consultant for CBS News and PBS. He is considered the "foremost expert on the drug issue" (Gov. Mario Cuomo). Marko asked if representatives of the Task Force would be interested in meeting Mr. Stutman on Tuesday September 10. Marko tentatively made arrangements. He also suggested the group might benefit if Mr. Stutman provided a "critique" of the Task Force's product and recommendations. There was interest in Task Force representatives meeting with Mr. Stutman on September 10. Marko and Sandy will discuss with Jean Branscum and Galen Hollenbaugh. 2. Cathy Kendall - OPI and MSU is sponsoring a conference on Nov. 14 and 15 at the Holiday Inn in Bozeman on Research Analysis of Prevention Programs. DESIRED OUTCOMESPrioritization of Prevention Desired Outcomes Karen brought up for discussion that the Prevention Desired Outcomes received fewer total "priority votes" then the desired outcomes of Judicial and Treatment at the meeting on April 18th. This raised a concern that the Task Force may not be placing proper emphasis on prevention. Roland contributed that members may have tended to vote for very serious and critical short-term desired outcomes as priority items. He said these need to be balanced with the important long-term, very real, benefits of prevention. Others concurred. It was also noted that some of the "prevention desired outcomes" were moved to treatment at the meeting on the 18th. Peg noted that if you looked at the top two priorities for each of the three areas, prevention received 19 votes where judicial and treatment received 18 each - which she noted was very balanced. It was also discussed that in the final recommendations the "top priority" desired outcomes and strategies will be presented together - without the number of "votes" listed. The group was comfortable that no further actions were needed. Financial Burden Desired Outcome - set aside At the last meeting agreement was not reached on one Desired Outcome which read… "The majority of the financial burden for these programs should be on substance offenders and users (alcohol, tobacco and other drugs)." It was agreed that through the discussion of the draft strategies proposed by the Work Groups this desired outcome would be addressed. As will be seen below, discussion occurred and additional information needs were identified for discussion at the next meeting. STRATEGIESTask Force Members began discussing the "Top Priority" Desired Outcomes and Strategies. These strategies were drafted by the Work Groups and sent to all members on May 15. Discussions, additions, deletions and decisions follow in underlined bold. 5.0 TOP PRIORITY Desired Outcomes and Corresponding Strategy Recommendations 5.1 Reduce underage tobacco, alcohol, and drug consumption and concomitant problems (Members noted that this relates to consent issue and minor in possession laws.) {11} Minors in Possession (MIP)
The uniform standards will have a set curriculum for every child in the state- including what office the MIP goes through, who the minor is referred to for the rest of the process, what intervention options there are. It was noted that minors arrested for MIP may or may not have a "certifiable" disorder requiring "treatment". Therefore MIP is both a prevention and intervention program. How will this be linked with Tribal Jurisdictions? There needs to be Government to Government discussions regarding recommendations and any proposed legislation (NOT just MIP but all proposed legislation). We should have parallel processes - working toward agreements and resolutions with each Tribal Government on recommendations and proposed legislation as well as state-wide. The Task Force has a specific Desired Outcome for "Effective Inter-Jurisdictional Cooperation" (Section # 8.5 in 5/16 draft). More specific strategies to effectively meet this outcome should be developed under that Desired Outcome and applied to all recommendations. It was suggested that having tribal coordination linked or a requirement of funding could be an effective incentive.
There are two kinds of training needs. One-the training to explain any new standards (changes brought about by new legislation). Currently the AG's office trains on any new legislation. A second type of training is training to address and change the accepting "culture" of drug abuse in Montana. Judges, and the other specialties listed above have "mandatory" training requirements. This strategy recommendation is to add a component to existing mandatory training that addresses and works towards changing our current cultural view of tobacco, alcohol and drug abuse in minors. Providing a State-wide resource clearing house for information related to MIP's (one stop shopping for these specialists) is also a recommendation.
{Note: Other states have passed "Contributing to Minor's Delinquency" statutes. Duane will review these for potential use.}
The data in the tracking system needs to be accessible to all agencies with the proper authority and it needs to be very clear who has access and use of the data. With this strategy we are referring to Judicial Data not Treatment data. {Note: We need to discuss later (perhaps under Section # 5.7 in 5/16 draft) tracking and uniform data for DUI's}
Graduated Driver's License (GDL) Revisit the 2001 legislation that was vetoed by the governor. All members did not have sufficient information to know whether they support the 2001 legislation as written or not. Nor did they have knowledge as to why the governor vetoed the legislation. Cathy K. will send a copy of the 2001 legislation to all Task Force Members (or to Sandy for distribution) and also research why the bill was vetoed. The information will be sent by June 10. After reviewing this information the group will decide if the Task Force will make a recommendation or not. 5.1.3 Tax Changes {Note: this item - i.e. Tobacco tax changes -- was tabled and not discussed by the Task Force. They requested that Robin M. get information on the tobacco tax to Sandy by June 10 for inclusion in the Working Document. Mary F. gave follow-up to a question raised earlier - she found out that the tobacco settlement has no restrictions in how that money is spent.} Tobacco
{Note: this item - i.e. Alcohol tax changes - was discussed at some length. Comments and discussion items are noted below. Roland handed out information on: Beer tax collection projections; A summary of current and past alcohol tax distributions; and, information on a Liquor control state vs. open state (info from Steve M.). No consensus was reached on this issue and additional information needs were identified and assigned. Alcohol Tax
(Present distribution is as follows: Beer Taxes: 23% DPHHS & 76% General Fund; Wine Taxes: 31% DPHHS & 69 % General Fund; Liquor Taxes: 65% DPHHS & 34 % General Fund.) Tax Rates- Alcohol taxes have not kept up with inflationThere has been a consistent decline in state revenue from alcohol tax's over the past years. The tax has not been changed in approximately 27 years. MT has one of the lowest tax's for alcohol in the nation. Adjusted for inflation, present beer tax would be over $11 per barrel. When the alcohol tax was established in MT the current drug problem did not exist in the state. MT has one of the highest tax's in the nation for "spirits". There was no proposal to change these taxes. Members discussed whether taxing alcohol was appropriate and ethical at all. Some members stated that a "user's tax" or fee was appropriate and that those funds should be used for addiction treatment. They shared statistics that were not fully captured in these notes such as of the 80% of the population that does drink alcohol XX% are in and out of treatment. XX% of the people that drink represents 85% of all consumption. Some members felt that if there is a societal cost to consumption then it is appropriate to tax the consumption to help cover those costs. They said it is appropriate because it is already mandated in legislation-we already tax alcohol. Others said the existing tax was set in a different time and that we can't say that today it is appropriate just because it was decided to tax then. Others were not sure if taxes collected for alcohol should be used for meth treatment while some said meth users are multiple drug users, including alcohol -- a pathway drug, and it is appropriate. Some members stated that a user's tax is not appropriate and they couldn't support a tax increase recommendation because it would be asking non-alcoholics or non-dependent consumers to fund something they aren't a part of. It was offered that taxes generally are for the greater good. As an example school taxes are charged to those who don't have children and those who don't have children in school. It was said that when someone takes their first drink they don't know if they will become dependent or not. Others were concerned about the negative financial impact to small businesses throughout Montana if alcohol taxes were increased. They were also concerned about the accuracy of some of the projections since several errors were found in the data during the meeting. They wanted clear defensible data and information. Currently, the only other source of funds for state treatment, other than existing alcohol taxes, is a federal block grant of approximately $6.4 million. It was suggested that there should be a clear link between funding needs for specific programs and any proposal to increase taxes - how would the money be used. The question was raised whether the Task Force was being consistent by considering raising taxes, making them high, while during the discussion of fines we kept them relatively low. It was also brought up that nationally the trend is to cover treatment costs with "use taxes". Concern was raised that a use tax is really a blame tax. Some members expressed excitement that this discussion between the task force members took place. They said it was the first time in 28 years that this level of conversation has occurred. The group decided additional information would be gathered and dispersed to members before the next meeting and incorporated into the June Working Document Draft. Assignments were:
5.2 State and local leadership support investment in scientifically defensible prevention practices because they understand and are convinced of prevention's value. {10}
A treatment delivery system that is responsive to treatment demands, geographical issues and specific target populations. {10} Target populations include reservation/urban Native Americans, correctional populations, women and youth. This includes a system that is specific to drug types, is accessible, affordable and that considers family needs: The question was asked -- why aren't men included in this outcome? The response - men make up the vast majority of those in treatment-without special attention to women they could be left out. Correctional Treatment { Increase beer tax by 2.5 cents per measure. It is projected that this increase would generate approximately $4M per year within Montana (reference Pete's study). Look at Washington state law HB 2388-S2. Additional revenue generated through the tax would be placed with AMDD/DPHHS. The funds will support additional personnel at DPHHS and DOC to assure appropriate management. Note: See above discussion under Section 5.1.3 on Taxes}
An example of innovative addictive treatment programs are Cultural treatments such as sweat houses in prison. Because of the high representation of Native Americans in the correctional system it is important to assure that cultural treatment is well intertwined. (Coordination needs to occur with the DMC). The power of the American Society of Addictive Medicine standards is that they design and plan a treatment program around the INDIVIDUAL. {Note: Sandy is to work with Mary F. and Joey on language for this and the next bullet} 1st time substance abuse, non-violent, felony offenders (juvenile and adults) excluding 4th time DUI offenders, will be offered the alternative to attend monitored treatment in the community or be subject to regular sentence. The intention here is voluntary coercion - not treatment in lieu of restitution. Offenders are required to pay $30 per month toward the cost of treatment. With Mary and Joey describe what the current sentencing structure is. {Note: Sandy is to work with Mary F. and Joey on language for this and the last bullet} 2nd and subsequent non-violent felony offenders (juvenile and adults) may reduce sentence of incarceration by first participating in treatment while incarcerated and, upon successful completion, may receive six months of the remainder of sentence (early out) enrolled in an approved community treatment program under Corrections supervision. Offenders are required to pay $30 per month toward the cost of treatment. Over time additional savings for Corrections realized as a result of lessening incarceration time would be rolled into Corrections treatment programs; additional general revenue would then be provided to community based treatment providers. The result should be additional treatment possibilities for the general population. This is a longer-term strategy. {This last paragraph is ok} 5.3.2 Women Encourage state legislation to remove sanctions related to public benefits (state TANF and medicade funds) for felony drug offenders. The sanctions were imposed during the "get tough on drugs" era. Roland will research options, working with Linda Curry, for intermediate steps. The group agreed to the general concept. 5.3.3 Youth Encourage DPHHS to apply innovative approaches to rate structure to allow development of family based treatment intervention for families and children that are adequately fundedand supported. 5.3.4 Native American Populations Any savings realized as a result of corrections treatment choices identified in #1 directly attributed to early release of Native American populations be designated for licensed Native American community based treatment programs. This is intended as an incentive. Mary F. will research whether there is an existing mechanism to do this. A comprehensive statewide plan for alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse prevention education. {9} The plan would include education for youth, parents, caregivers, allied service providers, the media, and the general public. Implementation of the plan would result in informed attitudes and beliefs, and appropriate cultural norms toward the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
Legislature to review, support and fund elements of the Interagency Coordinating Council and prevention resources that "work" Governor to grant authority to the ICC to facilitate goal accomplishment (i.e., mandate to participate and develop comprehensive plan) All prevention agencies adopt prevention guiding principles and
adhere to them. All funding grants and initiatives
should hold these guiding principles as a base.
{Note: We did not finish reviewing the strategies for this desired outcome. We will pick up here on July 18th.} PARKING LOTTask Force Members wanted to capture thoughts that did not fall within our agenda. It was acknowledged that there may or may not be enough time in the next two remaining meetings for the Task Force to address these items. We should look at where the fines from alcohol, tobacco and other drug offenses currently go. TIME-LINE AND TASKSThere are several Action Items due by June 10 (See Table). A draft of the Working Document will be emailed to Task Force Members by June 15th. Task Force Members should review the Working Document and get comments back to Sandy by July 1st. Sandy will incorporate those comments as appropriate and email a new draft to Task Force Members by July 15th. She will also post it on the web site. The Task Force decided to make their last two meetings two-day meetings. Sixth Meeting - (Bozeman) Seventh Meeting (Final) -- (Helena) ACTION ITEM REVIEW
PUBLIC COMMENT (Public and Expert Input and Comments)
Fourteen people attended the Public Comment portion of the meeting. Those who provided comments are noted in bold: Barb Albers, Sec. - Miles City Youth Coalition; Tom Albers, MC Youth Coalition; Sandra Anderson, MC Youth Coalition, VA ReDevelopment Project, L.P. & Teresa Anderson Foundation; Mr. Delaney, KKRY-KMTA; Ron Devlin, Representative; Joe Hegel, 16th Judicial Dist.; Captain Mike King, Miles City Police Dept.; Leif Ronning, D.O.C. Juvenile Parole; Coleen Magera, County Attorney; Cliff McKay, Dist. II Alcohol and Drug/EMCMHC-SADS; Sergeant Mark Reddick, Miles City Youth Coalition; S. Silver, MT PR/Parole; Patrick Stoltz, Miles City Youth Coalition; Walter Shore, Eastern Montana Substance Abuse Dep. Services. |