Discovering Montana

News Releases

For Immediate Release - April 29, 1999
Contact: Andrew Malcolm, (406) 444-5522


Gov. MARC RACICOT announced today receipt of a $20,000 commitment to the Mike Mansfield Statue Fund from the Montana Economic Revitalization and Development Institute and the MSE family of companies.

At a special Butte news conference this morning Don Peoples, president and chief executive officer of MSE Inc., presented Gov. RACICOT with the commitment letter. "We want to commemorate MERDI’s 25th anniversary," Mr. Peoples said, "and recognize Sen. Mansfield for his efforts on our behalf. Because of his foresight, MERDI and affiliated companies have contributed significantly to economic development in southwest Montana."

Gov. RACICOT expressed delight at the gift, the largest so far in the drive to collect about $80,000 in private donations to erect a permanent lifesize statue of Sen. Mike Mansfield to stand in the renovated State Capitol. "We deeply appreciate this donation," said the Governor, "and the commitment of people like Don Peoples, Stan Kimmitt and others at MSE to Montana and to this project. Montana is proud to claim this great statesman as its son. The statue will serve both as a permanent memorial to the man and as a permanent role model for countless future generations of Montanans and Americans."

With the new $20,000 donation, the statue fund total stands at $37,000. Individuals and organizations wishing to make tax-deductible donations to the project can send their checks to: Gov. MARC RACICOT, Mike Mansfield Statue Fund, Helena MT 59620.


Former Governor Racicot's Page Press Releases