Discovering Montana

News Releases

For Immediate Release - February 10, 1999
Contact: Andrew Malcolm
(406) 444-3111

Governor Racicot Announces Special Mansfield Statue Fund

Governor MARC RACICOT announced today creation of a special account--the Mike Mansfield Statue Fund--so that Montana’s individuals and institutions can each participate as they wish in helping to create a permanent memorial statue to this statesman.

"As the special resolution makes its way through the Legislature," Gov. Racicot said, "it is important that we begin the fundraising process and allow every Montanan--and all Americans, for that matter--to be able to show the strength of their gratitude to and the warmth of their feelings for Mike Mansfield. He is certainly a unique human being. And he is quite likely the most distinguished statesman our special state has ever produced."

The Governor’s plan to establish a permanent, lifesize statue of Senator Mansfield in the Capitol was unanimously approved by the Capitol Complex Advisory Council, which governs the Capitol and its grounds. A joint resolution is making its way through the current legislative session authorizing the statue and commemorating Senator Mansfield’s service.

The plan is to begin raising the money immediately, all from private donors, with commissioning of the actual statue to follow once sufficient funds are accumulated.

Anyone wishing to contribute to the Mike Mansfield Statue Fund should send their donation to: Mike Mansfield Statue Fund c/o the Governor’s Office, State Capitol, Helena MT 59620.


Former Governor Racicot's Page Press Releases