Discovering Montana

News Releases

For Immediate Release - June 10, 1999
Contact: Anastasia Burton,
Press Secretary (406) 444-5523


Governor Marc Racicot is seeking letters of interest from grazing district members and other Montana citizens who would like to be considered for appointment to the Montana Grass Conservation Commission established under House Bill No. 444. The 1999 Legislature created the Commission at the request of the Montana Association of State Grazing Districts to assume grazing district assistance and supervision responsibilities currently held by the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation.

The makeup of the Commission will include: two members who are on the board of directors of a state grazing district; two members who hold grazing preferences within a state grazing district; and one member of the public with a general understanding of the livestock industry and associated range use within grazing districts. Member terms vary from one to three years as provided by statute.

Commission members will receive only compensation for mileage and per diem. The Commission must meet annually and may meet more frequently if requested by the chairperson or the Commission.

Letters of interest should be sent to the Governor’s Office by June 30. They should include the name, address, phone number, grazing district affiliation (if any), and a statement of knowledge and experience with the livestock industry and grazing district operations. Materials should be mailed to: Governor Marc Racicot, ATTN: Montana Grass Conservation Commission, P.O. Box 200801, Helena, MT 59620.

For more information, call Steve Schmitz at the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation in Helena at (406) 444-6667.


Former Governor Racicot's Page Press Releases